Tsubaki mechanical components

Tsubaki механички компоненти

Покрај врвните ланци, Tsubaki произведува разни механички компоненти и решенија, и тоа:

Besides the premium chains, Tsubaki manufactures various power transmission and motion controll solutions, such as:

Неповратни спојки

Тsubaki Cam Clutch / Freewheel products are designed to transmit torque in one direction of rotation and overrun (freewheel) in the opposite direction of rotation. 

Most common types are: Backstopping clutch, Overrunning clutch, Indexing clutch

Cam Clutches - Freewheel Clutches

Тsubaki Cam Clutch / Freewheel products are designed to transmit torque in one direction of rotation and overrun (freewheel) in the opposite direction of rotation. 

Most common types are: Backstopping clutch, Overrunning clutch, Indexing clutch


Тsubaki нуди широка палета на осовински спојки за разни намени, од општа употреба до високо прецизни апликации за серво мотори 

Понудата вклучува ланчани спојки, диск-спојки, Beam/Bellows Couplings, Elastomer/Jaw-Flex Couplings and Power Rigid Couplings 

Ланчаните спојки се на залиха во централниот магацин на Тсубаки со можност за брза испорака. 

Shaft couplings

Tsubaki offers an extensive line-up of shaft couplings to meet diversified needs, from general applications to high precision servo motor applications. 

The line-up includes Chain Couplings, Disk Couplings, Beam/Bellows Couplings, Elastomer/Jaw-Flex Couplings and Power Rigid Couplings.

Chain couplings on stock in HQ warehouse for fast delivery  

Линиски / патент актуатори

Тsubaki има неколку алтернативи на класичните хидраулични/пневматски клип и цилиндер:

Покрај предностите на електромеханичкото движење (компактни димензии, нема систем за масло/воздух, нема загадување..), овие системи овозможуваат подеднаков притисок при туркање и вовлекување на клипот!

Linear / zip chain actuators

Tsubaki offers several alternatives to classic hydraulic/pneumatic piston and cylinder:

BEsides the electromechanical movement advantages (compact dimensions, no need for additional oil/air system, no polution..) both systems enable equal push/pull force operation over long strokes.

Pin Gear drive unit

This gear rack with rollers transmits power by engagement between pin gear and pin (roller).

This is a transmission mechanism that has the same function as gears and rack-and-pinions, and to convert from rotational motion to linear or rotational motion by combining a wheel rack with a pin mechanism and a dedicated gear. We have a track record of delivering this product to various types of equipment.

Pin Gear drive unit

This gear rack with rollers transmits power by engagement between pin gear and pin (roller).

This is a transmission mechanism that has the same function as gears and rack-and-pinions, and to convert from rotational motion to linear or rotational motion by combining a wheel rack with a pin mechanism and a dedicated gear. We have a track record of delivering this product to various types of equipment.

Карактеристични Проекти

Milestones projects

Линиски лизгач

Linear slider

Неповратни спојки

Tsubaki Cum Clutches